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St Maria Goretti Nursery School, Belfast


2023/2024 School Year

2nd Oct 2023
All four groups of children are settling well into Nursery. We have been learning...

2022/2023 School Year

26th May 2023
Look at what we’ve been up to this month in Nursery. Learning together hand...
4th May 2023
April has been a very busy month here at St. Maria Goretti Nursery School. We celebrated...
4th May 2023
We took part in Eco Schools ‘Global Action Days’ on Friday 28th April...
24th Feb 2023
Some children and their guardians took part in a local Community Clean up of the...
9th Feb 2023
Parents donated and helped to plan and build our new sensory and sound walls.  They...
9th Feb 2023
During free play our Eco Warriors helped to keep our yard clean and tidy.  The...